Wake County Genealogical Society, North Carolina

Research Resources

Search these pages to do surname and history research for Wake County and North Carolina in general.  Once on the page, use the "Filter by category" box to see options and then filter to your topic of interest.  Coming in the future: Surname indexes to WCGS publications
SURNAME Searches
- Wake County Surnames: Wake Research Links
- Surnames (nationwide) of fellow researchers within WCGS: Society Surnames
    (If you find a common surname, click on the envelope to send the member an email!)
- Surnames, locations and links for Wake County Cemeteries: Wake Cemetery Project
OTHER sites
- Wake County History: Wake History Links
- NC and more general links: NC & General Resources
- This webpage contains links to downloadable files, many from prior issues of our newsletter, which provide category-sorted resources and links outside of our website.